11-14-2010: Grrrr!
11-11-2010: Games with Grandpa Harold
11-9-2010: Ella was invited to model in a fashion show by JCPenney. Afterward, she found out she got to keep the dress. Tessa didn't model on stage, but wanted to dress in her finest for the evening too! And she just grew out of her dress shoes, so fancy boots go with everything, right?!
Nov 11: some meat to fill our freezer! Thank you hard working husband, and thank you Lord!
11-6-2010: Work and fun in the leaves!
This one's for you, Gramma Mary!
I love that little tune as I sang it often when I was putting Adrian to sleep, but I don't think it ever sounded as cute as when Sweet Jaci sings it! Love, Gramma Mary